Hi Ankur ,
i have gone throught the dp ppt .
For eg my project enables the script stead below
So this goes fine when recording can u tell me how to write the same through the help of descriptive programming plsssssssss
Hi Ankur ,
i have gone throught the dp ppt .
For eg my project enables the script stead below
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe","","C:\Documents and Settings\501404673","open"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Page").Sync
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Navigate https://dev-itg.health.ge.com/itg/dashboard/app/portal/PageView.jsp
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("SSO LOGIN_2").WebEdit("username").Set "501166668"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("SSO LOGIN_2").WebEdit("password").SetSecure "47ce8391a1443e52bb0fdf6acc2e52f722229eb47af873267ba5"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("SSO LOGIN_2").WebButton("Log In").Click
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Dashboard - CC [HP]").Link("Create a Request").Click
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Request [HP]").Link("Shift Factor - RT").Click
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_1").Set "tcs"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebList("P_2").Select "Yes"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_3").Set "1"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_4").Set "1.2"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_5").Set "1.3"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_6").Set "1.4"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").WebEdit("P_7").Set "1.5"
Browser("SSO LOGIN").Page("Create New Shift Factor").Link("Submit").Click
So this goes fine when recording can u tell me how to write the same through the help of descriptive programming plsssssssss