10-26-2009, 10:56 AM
which object in outlook is not recognised, do you mean to say when you click Tools>Rules and Alerts in record mode ,it records the statement with co-ordinates? something like
QTP does not recognise context menu, this is the reson you are getting the statements with co-ordinates, but Yes there could be different ways of handling this in QTP, one of the way could be use the shortcut keys using Sendkeys method.
see the code below
does this help?
Window("Microsoft Outlook").Window("Tools").Click 47,60
QTP does not recognise context menu, this is the reson you are getting the statements with co-ordinates, but Yes there could be different ways of handling this in QTP, one of the way could be use the shortcut keys using Sendkeys method.
see the code below
Window("Microsoft Outlook").Activate
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "%(TL)"