I see from your subject that you are trying to select a value from the table, but from the code you are trying to set a value to the table.
Try this if your intention is only to select a cell,
I presume "Select" is the text you want to select from the table ??
Sorry i misled. My bad.
"Select" here is the name of the column and 1 is the first row.
Try this if your intention is only to select a cell,
JavaWindow("Sales_BasicFlow").JavaDialog("Optional Service Selection").JavaTable("Select Services for 0000374914").SelectCell 1 ,"Select"
I presume "Select" is the text you want to select from the table ??
Sorry i misled. My bad.
JavaWindow("Sales_BasicFlow").JavaDialog("Optional Service Selection").JavaTable("Select Services for 0000374914").SelectCell 1 ,"Select"
"Select" here is the name of the column and 1 is the first row.
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.