02-21-2008, 02:10 AM
Hi Xandel,
Thank you for your reply. No, I havent actually solved this particular problem, decided to move along with other scripts first. Anyway, I have tried your suggestion, it sort of move a bit further then before. Originally the calendar object didnt even get to be opened. Now it opens the calendar, but then it closes straight away, without doing the next actions on the script.
On my script, after the calendar object open, I click on the Month link to open the future months & years, then click on the Dec link then click on Apply, so when I'm back on the calendar object I can select 31/Dec. Can you suggest how I can keep the calendar object open and do the next steps on the script?
Thank you for your reply. No, I havent actually solved this particular problem, decided to move along with other scripts first. Anyway, I have tried your suggestion, it sort of move a bit further then before. Originally the calendar object didnt even get to be opened. Now it opens the calendar, but then it closes straight away, without doing the next actions on the script.
On my script, after the calendar object open, I click on the Month link to open the future months & years, then click on the Dec link then click on Apply, so when I'm back on the calendar object I can select 31/Dec. Can you suggest how I can keep the calendar object open and do the next steps on the script?