05-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Hi This is a common problem encoutered while tring to get data from a web table. Try this:
Before you use the webtable use Browser().Fullscreen
This will make the position of the abs_x and abs_y constant
then using the Object spy check for the location of abs_x or abs_y
CVhoose one amongst them for your scripting
Remove all other properties
Then use this:
I used DP for my coding to eliminate the dependency of OR. but then u can use this abs_x property to identify your webtable
Check whether the tool is identifying your table using Webtable().Exist property
if exist then
This will return an array
?Using ths split function you can get the exact value from on the cell
Hope this help
Before you use the webtable use Browser().Fullscreen
This will make the position of the abs_x and abs_y constant
then using the Object spy check for the location of abs_x or abs_y
CVhoose one amongst them for your scripting
Remove all other properties
Then use this:
Check whether the tool is identifying your table using Webtable().Exist property
if exist then
?Using ths split function you can get the exact value from on the cell
Hope this help