First check whether you have vbscript in your system. You can check this by going to C:\WINDOWS\system32\vbscript.dll. If this dll exists then you can run vbscript.
Save your script in location say d:\Sampledir\samplescript.vbs
Now goto command prompt and cd d:\Sampledir\
in command prompt cscript samplescript.vbs and click on enter.
If QTP starts, it is fine or the problem might with access rights.
First check whether you have vbscript in your system. You can check this by going to C:\WINDOWS\system32\vbscript.dll. If this dll exists then you can run vbscript.
Save your script in location say d:\Sampledir\samplescript.vbs
Now goto command prompt and cd d:\Sampledir\
in command prompt cscript samplescript.vbs and click on enter.
If QTP starts, it is fine or the problem might with access rights.