Static Array:
Dynamic Array (Value changes at the runtime)
In the below code the array will be vary depending on the roles exist for the user. This is dynamic array
Dim No_Passengers(3)
The No_Passengers can store 4 values.
Assigning values to the array
No_Passengers(0) = 1
No_Passengers(1) = 2
No_Passengers(2) = 3
No_Passengers(3) = 4
Dynamic Array (Value changes at the runtime)
In the below code the array will be vary depending on the roles exist for the user. This is dynamic array
Dim arrUserRoles()
If objChildWebTable.Count <> 0 Then
ReDim arrUserRoles(objChildWebTable.Count - 1)
For intCount = 0 To objChildWebTable.Count - 1
arrUserRoles(intCount) = objChildWebTable(intCount).GEtROProperty("outertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"User Roles","Logged in User have no roles in the drop down list"
End IF