01-29-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi Fakruddin,
I am really sorry to say that in this scenario there is no concept of combinations
1. As In the first page where we select the Date and Month is to be passed from datatable or any other form of parameterization.
2. Imagine the date, month and year is passed from datatable and you have selected it in the application.
3. Now click on continue which takes to the second page where the date is displayed in the form of "mm/dd/yyyy".
4. As per my explaination...please take this data (second form) and split it i.e
vDate = Browser().page().Webelement().GetROProperty("innertext") 'this will give the date
5. Compare these array values with the values you have in the datatable.
I hope i am answering to the question, please correct me if i am wrong.
I am really sorry to say that in this scenario there is no concept of combinations
1. As In the first page where we select the Date and Month is to be passed from datatable or any other form of parameterization.
2. Imagine the date, month and year is passed from datatable and you have selected it in the application.
3. Now click on continue which takes to the second page where the date is displayed in the form of "mm/dd/yyyy".
4. As per my explaination...please take this data (second form) and split it i.e
vDate = Browser().page().Webelement().GetROProperty("innertext") 'this will give the date
vVal = Split(vDate, "/")
now you will have vVal(0) = "1"
vVal(1) = "29"
vVal(2) = "2009"
5. Compare these array values with the values you have in the datatable.
I hope i am answering to the question, please correct me if i am wrong.