This can be handled in many ways, but i will explain what i did in this kind of scenario.
First in a datatable, gather all the available countries and their respective languages and then do a loop
Sno Country Language
1 US English
2 India Hindhi
3 India Tamil
else, dynamically write in to the datatable from the weblist of all country and langauge and then do loop.
Hope, you got my point.
This can be handled in many ways, but i will explain what i did in this kind of scenario.
First in a datatable, gather all the available countries and their respective languages and then do a loop
Sno Country Language
1 US English
2 India Hindhi
3 India Tamil
else, dynamically write in to the datatable from the weblist of all country and langauge and then do loop.
Hope, you got my point.