Hi ...I found a solution for my Issue 1 ..not sure whether its the right way...I just found if put a msgbox next to if condtion..code is executing without manual intervention so it wrote the follwoing code...
Still pls help me in my issue 2...I will tell my issue 3 latter...Still i see no answer or suggestion from a member...pls do help ..it will give me some confidence that i too can learn QTP...
Still pls help me in my issue 2...I will tell my issue 3 latter...Still i see no answer or suggestion from a member...pls do help ..it will give me some confidence that i too can learn QTP...
If Window("Window_2").WinMenu("ContextMenu").Exist Then
Set a=createobject("wscript.shell")
msgbox_message="Not Nokia App"
a.popup msgbox_message,msgbox_time,msgbox_title
Set a=Nothing
index_count = index_count + 5