which gives better performance qtp with Object repository or qtp without Object Repository?
1) qtp by using Object reposiotry with some descriptive programming.
2) qtp with out Object reposiotry(ie object properties we are giving in the test case file) with some descriptive programming.
Kindly let me know the answer any body knows the answer.
i tried with both combinations.
It is taking more time with out Object reposiotry ie(2nd option).
First option is taking very less time.
But I want know the correct answer fro my issue.
Thanks in Advance!...
It would be nice if you share your thoughts. It will be helpful for me.
which gives better performance qtp with Object repository or qtp without Object Repository?
1) qtp by using Object reposiotry with some descriptive programming.
2) qtp with out Object reposiotry(ie object properties we are giving in the test case file) with some descriptive programming.
Kindly let me know the answer any body knows the answer.
i tried with both combinations.
It is taking more time with out Object reposiotry ie(2nd option).
First option is taking very less time.
But I want know the correct answer fro my issue.
Thanks in Advance!...
It would be nice if you share your thoughts. It will be helpful for me.