10-25-2012, 03:31 PM
Hi Thanks for the Reply
i have used your code
it is able to close the IE browsers sucessfully but not able to close the other opened chrome browsers
i have used your code
bIndex = 0 'Set Browser index to 0
While Browser("CreationTime:="&bIndex).Exist(1) 'Loop untill the last browser
bTitle = Browser("CreationTime:="&bIndex).GetROProperty("title") 'Get the browser title
b1Title = Browser("CreationTime:="&bIndex).GetROProperty("text")
If InStr(b1Title,"HP Quality Center") = 0 And InStr(bTitle,"ISL Dashboard") = 0 Then
Browser("CreationTime:="&bIndex).Close 'If the title doesn't contain Google or Gmail or Yahoo, close it
If bIndex <> 0 Then
bIndex = bIndex - 1 'If browser index is more than 0 and a browser is closed, decrease the index value by 1
End If
bIndex = bIndex + 1 'If no browser is closed for certain run, increase the index value by 1
End IF
it is able to close the IE browsers sucessfully but not able to close the other opened chrome browsers