10-11-2012, 06:50 PM
Hi ,
No need to add them into the repository.
try to use the array and descriptive programing:
keep the unique property like 'innertext' in the array.
Note: use the identification property like 'class' , 'html id' with the use of regular expression to identify the list items , and 'innertext' to make them unique.
No need to add them into the repository.
try to use the array and descriptive programing:
keep the unique property like 'innertext' in the array.
list_items = array("item1" , "item2" ,......"item8")
for i = 0 to ubound(list_items)
if browser().page().webelement("class:=use class" , "innertext:=" & list_items(i)).exist then
print "pass"
print "fail"
end if
Note: use the identification property like 'class' , 'html id' with the use of regular expression to identify the list items , and 'innertext' to make them unique.