07-25-2012, 01:14 PM
I required this for my testing today, so here is a fully functional XLSX importer
Disclaimer: This does not format or cleanup the Excel sheets themselves, just renames them for import so they are CamelCase. If you want your columns in the datasheets to be CamelCase with no special characters you will need to do some further extension.
And for a Bonus
Disclaimer: This does not format or cleanup the Excel sheets themselves, just renames them for import so they are CamelCase. If you want your columns in the datasheets to be CamelCase with no special characters you will need to do some further extension.
'Usage for XLS or XLSX:
Dim filePath
filePath = "C:\File\Path\Goes\Here\FileName.xlsx"
importAnyXL filePath
Function importAnyXL(filePath)
Dim xl, xlFile 'Objects
Dim FileFormatNum, iSheetCount, a, i 'Integers
Dim newFilePath, sheetName, cleanSheetName 'Strings
Dim fileDelete 'Boolean
Dim sheetList() 'Array
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
Set xlFile = xl.Workbooks.Open(filePath)
iSheetCount = xlFile.Sheets.Count
For a = 0 To (iSheetCount - 1)
ReDim Preserve sheetList(a)
sheetList(a) = xlFile.Sheets(a + 1).Name
If UCase(Right(Trim(filePath), 4)) = "XLSX" Or UCase(Right(Trim(filePath), 4)) = "XLSM" Then 'Dont forget to cater for macro enabled files ;)
FileFormatNum = -4143
filePath = Left(filePath, Len(filePath) - 5) & "_Temp.xls"
xlFile.SaveAs filePath, FileFormatNum
fileDelete = True
End If
xlFile.Close False
xl.DisplayAlerts = True
Set xl = Nothing
For Each sheetName In sheetList
cleanSheetName = camelCase(sheetName)
DataTable.AddSheet camelCase(sheetName)
DataTable.ImportSheet filePath, sheetName, cleanSheetName
'Clean-up after yourself :)
If fileDelete Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FileExists(filePath) Then
FSO.DeleteFile filePath
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
End If
End Function
And for a Bonus
Function camelCase(strIn)
Dim strOut, boolUp, i, c, tc
strOut = ""
boolUp = True
For i = 1 To Len(strIn)
c = Mid(strIn, i, 1)
If c = " " Or c = "'" Or c = "-" Then
strOut = strOut & c
boolUp = True
If boolUp Then
tc = UCase(c)
tc = LCase(c)
End If
strOut = strOut & tc
boolUp = False
End If
camelCase = Replace(Replace(strOut, " ", ""), ".*", "")
End Function