Hi Sorry for the late replay.
Command Prompt:
We can run the command line without using Shell object, but we have to use the DP for the same.
please let me know if you need any further info.
Command Prompt:
strRemoteBox = InputBox ("Enter your remotebox name or IP")
Dim Owshel
Set Owshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Owshell.Run "mstsc /v:" & strRemoteBox
Set Owshell = Nothing
We can run the command line without using Shell object, but we have to use the DP for the same.
strRemoteBox = InputBox ("Enter your remotebox name or IP")
'Close all open command windows (this step will execute without error even no command windows exist)
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName ("cmd.exe")
'Open the command window using systemUtil
SystemUtil.Run "cmd"
'Now you can enter the command line
Window("regexpwndclass:=ConsoleWindowClass").Type "mstsc /v:" & strRemoteBox
please let me know if you need any further info.