Using the below code you can fetch the webelemt innertext runtime at the same time you can compare that value in ur datatable which is avaiable in ur Global sheet
Using the below code you can fetch the webelemt innertext runtime at the same time you can compare that value in ur datatable which is avaiable in ur Global sheet
strSrch = Browser().Page().Frame().webelement("innertext")
strFound = False
RCnt =Datatable.GetRowCount
CCnt = Datatable.GetSheet("Global").GetParameterCount
For iR = 1 to RCnt
For iC =1 to CCnt
strval= Datatable.Value(iC)
If strcomp(strSrch,strval,1)=0 Then
Msgbox "Search String Found in## " &iR & "##Row"
strFound = True
Exit For
End If
If strFound = True Then
Exit For
End If