12-13-2011, 08:15 PM
Hi Sujaravi,
What happens when you try to select a disabled option? Any other enabled option gets selected? If this is the case you might try Ravi's code as below:
What happens when you try to select a disabled option? Any other enabled option gets selected? If this is the case you might try Ravi's code as below:
allItems=split(Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").GetROProperty("all items"),";")
For i=0 to uBound(allItems)
Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").Select allItems(i)
strSelection=Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").GetROProperty("selection") //you can also use "value" instead of selection
If StrComp(strSelection,allItems(i)) = 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Status of "&"allItems(i), "Enabled"
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Status of "&"allItems(i), "Disabled"
End If