12-12-2011, 08:03 PM
You may try with below code as reference.
The above code is for the mercury tours sample web application provided by hp.Its a list box for selecting "from" during flight reservation.
allItems=split(Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").GetROProperty("all items"),";")
For i=0 to uBound(allItems)
Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").Select allItems(i)
strVisible=Browser("title:=Find a Flight.*").Page("title:=Find a Flight.*").WebList("name:=fromPort").GetROProperty("visible")
If strVisible=True Then
msgbox "Enabled" & " " & allItems(i)
End If
The above code is for the mercury tours sample web application provided by hp.Its a list box for selecting "from" during flight reservation.