11-22-2011, 06:40 PM
Did you try using the visible property.
''******If you are trying for only one link object********
''Checking the existence and visible property simultaneously, use this your sure the link will exist for sure.
'*****OR use the below code if your not sure of the link existence****
'*******Else if your trying to get link object collection********
''The above code gives the number of links visible in screen.
''******If you are trying for only one link object********
''Checking the existence and visible property simultaneously, use this your sure the link will exist for sure.
if Hierarchy.Link(abc).Exist and Hierarchy.Link(abc).GetRoProperty("visible") then
End if
'*****OR use the below code if your not sure of the link existence****
if Hierarchy.Link(abc).Exist then
if Hierarchy.Link(abc).GetRoProperty("visible") then
'do your operrations
End if
End if
'*******Else if your trying to get link object collection********
''The above code gives the number of links visible in screen.
Set LinkObj = Description.Create
LinkObj("micclass").Value = "Link"
LinkObj("visible").Value = "True"
Set LinkObjColec = Hierarchy.ChildObjects(LinkObj)
msgbox LinkObjColec.count