08-17-2011, 04:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2011, 04:56 PM by onecrosswood.)
Hello All,
Is there any fix for this problem? I have similar problem with QTP11 does not recognized Oracle Forms app object as Oracle Forms. I am using JRE and 26. QTP 10.0 does not work for me anymore but QTP 11.0 with 2 patches has some success. There are three problem, first if you have oracle DevSuite10 folder exist under Oracle install directory and you are not using it just rename it. If you don't have any ORACLE DEV suite folder then you don't need to worry about it.
Second System Environment Variable, define _JAVA_OPTIONS variable IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS as follow:
-Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:"C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\classes;C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\classes\jasmine.jar"
Make sure you put this as it display here with double Quotes before C and at the end of string.
Third do following if for Java:
a) Go to the “Java control panel”, then select “Java” tab and click <View> button.
b) Add the parameters, -Xms64m -Xmx256m, to the “Runtime Parameters” column.
c) Click <Apply> to save the changes.
Your QTP 11 start working, will record but not as ORACLE OBJECTS but as JAVA.
I will update this post if they able to fix their own software on time.
In addtional finding about Oracle Forms and JRE console issue with QTP 10, QTP 11:
If you don't need Java object in your script and only want to record Oracle then do following in addition to my previous post:
@ following location in registry keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent" Change "LoadDependsOnPackage" from 0 to 1 and "SupportEnabled" from 0 to 1
@ following location in regisry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent\Java Add-in for QuickTest" change "Enabled" key from 1 to 0
@ following location in regisry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent\Oracle Add-in for QuickTest" change "Enabled" key from 0 to 1
Now restart the pc and you can record & work with you existing oracle objects. To run your script you need to make surte a Java Console is OPEN before playing or running your script with QTP.
I will update if I found a fix for that.....
Is there any fix for this problem? I have similar problem with QTP11 does not recognized Oracle Forms app object as Oracle Forms. I am using JRE and 26. QTP 10.0 does not work for me anymore but QTP 11.0 with 2 patches has some success. There are three problem, first if you have oracle DevSuite10 folder exist under Oracle install directory and you are not using it just rename it. If you don't have any ORACLE DEV suite folder then you don't need to worry about it.
Second System Environment Variable, define _JAVA_OPTIONS variable IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS as follow:
-Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:"C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\classes;C:\PROGRA~1\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\java_shared\classes\jasmine.jar"
Make sure you put this as it display here with double Quotes before C and at the end of string.
Third do following if for Java:
a) Go to the “Java control panel”, then select “Java” tab and click <View> button.
b) Add the parameters, -Xms64m -Xmx256m, to the “Runtime Parameters” column.
c) Click <Apply> to save the changes.
Your QTP 11 start working, will record but not as ORACLE OBJECTS but as JAVA.
I will update this post if they able to fix their own software on time.
In addtional finding about Oracle Forms and JRE console issue with QTP 10, QTP 11:
If you don't need Java object in your script and only want to record Oracle then do following in addition to my previous post:
@ following location in registry keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent" Change "LoadDependsOnPackage" from 0 to 1 and "SupportEnabled" from 0 to 1
@ following location in regisry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent\Java Add-in for QuickTest" change "Enabled" key from 1 to 0
@ following location in regisry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent\Oracle Add-in for QuickTest" change "Enabled" key from 0 to 1
Now restart the pc and you can record & work with you existing oracle objects. To run your script you need to make surte a Java Console is OPEN before playing or running your script with QTP.
I will update if I found a fix for that.....