07-29-2011, 08:08 PM
Global Sheet iterates as many times the rows present
local sheet iterates just once eventhough you have 4 rows or more rows for this you have to add Loop in your script then it will iterate as many rows you have.
* One more Point if you want to use local sheet you should not have any data in Global sheet because if u have data in global & in local sheet it still takes global data only automatically.
msgbox introwcount (shows how mnay rows present in table)
for i=1 to introwcount (iterate from 1 to how many rows present in the table)
DataTable.setcurrentRow(i) , (if we give this in locall all rows will iterate)
Global Sheet iterates as many times the rows present
local sheet iterates just once eventhough you have 4 rows or more rows for this you have to add Loop in your script then it will iterate as many rows you have.
* One more Point if you want to use local sheet you should not have any data in Global sheet because if u have data in global & in local sheet it still takes global data only automatically.
msgbox introwcount (shows how mnay rows present in table)
for i=1 to introwcount (iterate from 1 to how many rows present in the table)
DataTable.setcurrentRow(i) , (if we give this in locall all rows will iterate)