History repeated ! Now ,I am getting the Run error which I get very first time on line 25 .I have tried in both ways mentioned below :
-ShowTOC False -RefreshCache True", 0, True)
-ShowTOC False -RefreshCache True", 0, True)
Log file I can send you by EOD . If I skip this run error , it opens Adobe but doesn't open the printed expected page from the application ,gives:
"Error opening document . File not found ."
History repeated ! Now ,I am getting the Run error which I get very first time on line 25 .I have tried in both ways mentioned below :
returnedStatusCode = oShell.Run(pathToConversionUtil & " -NameOfPdfFile " & """" & nameOfPdfFile &"""" & " -ClearCacheFinally True -Output " & """" & outputDirectoryForPrintedPdf & """" & " -CacheFolder " & """" & temporaryCacheFolder &"""" & " -PagesAfterThisTime " & """" & lastPrintedTime &"""" & "
'returnedStatusCode = oShell.Run("""" & pathToConversionUtil & """" & " -NameOfPdfFile " & """" & nameOfPdfFile &"""" & " -ClearCacheFinally True -Output " & """" & outputDirectoryForPrintedPdf & """" & " -CacheFolder " & """" & temporaryCacheFolder &"""" & " -PagesAfterThisTime " & """" & lastPrintedTime &"""" & "
Log file I can send you by EOD . If I skip this run error , it opens Adobe but doesn't open the printed expected page from the application ,gives:
"Error opening document . File not found ."