Hi Ankur,
I have tried with the above method
For the above code I was geting declaration error (object_snap is not declared)
I though it may be the report description so I have modified the code as
Finally I got a result checkpoint failed but unfortunately I didnt see the captured bitmap image in the result sheet.
please let me know what is "object_snap".
Is it a variable? if so what is stored in it and what is the use of it.
Thanks in advance.
I have tried with the above method
Errorpath = "C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Error.bmp"
JavaWindow("MainWindow").CaptureBitmap Errorpath,True
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,object_snap," <img src='" & Errorpath &"'>"
For the above code I was geting declaration error (object_snap is not declared)
I though it may be the report description so I have modified the code as
Errorpath = "C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Error.bmp"
JavaWindow("MainWindow").CaptureBitmap Errorpath,True
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"The expected compilation error is displayed"," <img src='" & Errorpath &"'>"
Finally I got a result checkpoint failed but unfortunately I didnt see the captured bitmap image in the result sheet.
please let me know what is "object_snap".
Is it a variable? if so what is stored in it and what is the use of it.
Thanks in advance.