Hi VIns,
Thanks for replying my queries.
I will explain clearly, about my task. I want to create a new test program calculator application. Read data from data table in QTP, i entering data in Default.xls file in my test program folder. Now i am importing the default.xls file in to my global data table in qtp. I am able to read all the rows and colomn, and i able to add data using calculator application. Now i want to write result add, sub, mul and div value to excel data.
Please find the sample code of my program.
I want to write result in excel file. Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Kamalakannan Anandan
Thanks for replying my queries.
I will explain clearly, about my task. I want to create a new test program calculator application. Read data from data table in QTP, i entering data in Default.xls file in my test program folder. Now i am importing the default.xls file in to my global data table in qtp. I am able to read all the rows and colomn, and i able to add data using calculator application. Now i want to write result add, sub, mul and div value to excel data.
Please find the sample code of my program.
Dim nRow
Dim strValue1, strvalue2, strvalue3
Dim strAdd, strSub, strMul, strDiv
Dim Msg1, Msg2, Msg3, Msg4
Dim objFSO, strOutputFilePath
strValue1 = Datatable.Value(1, 1)
strValue2 = Datatable.Value(2, 1)
strvalue3 = Datatable.Value(3, 1)
nRow = Datatable.GetCurrentRow
''' Addition
strAdd = Window("Calculator").WinEdit("Edit").GetROProperty("text")
Msg1 = MsgBox( "Colomn 1: " & strValue1 &Chr(13) & "Column 2: " & strvalue2 & Chr(13) & "Colomn 3: " & strValue3 & Chr(13) & "Addition Value: " & strAdd , 64, "MyCalc")
I want to write result in excel file. Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Kamalakannan Anandan