05-23-2011, 12:18 PM
Hi Lalit and sreekanth,
@sreekanth: i tried your code segment as well, but it is returning me the whole string without splitting it.
@Lalit: this is the code segment i tried, the variable nickname=blah 1234, there are 4 characters in between the alphabets and the nos, but it sumhow is not splitting with the delimited <space>, can it be sum other characters in between (like NULL or sumthin)
i also tried sp_var(0), it shld ve ideally displayed blah, but it did not.
@sreekanth: i tried your code segment as well, but it is returning me the whole string without splitting it.
@Lalit: this is the code segment i tried, the variable nickname=blah 1234, there are 4 characters in between the alphabets and the nos, but it sumhow is not splitting with the delimited <space>, can it be sum other characters in between (like NULL or sumthin)
sp_var=split(nickname, " ")
For i=lbound(sp_var) to ubound(sp_var)
msgbox sp_var(i)
i also tried sp_var(0), it shld ve ideally displayed blah, but it did not.