Hi Laksh,
While automating the SRM shopping cart functionality I also faced similar kind of issue while identifying a product type from the drop down. In the recording QTP has identified the object as SAPList but it was failing while execution.
When I used the object spy the drop down was made up of a web edit and the drop down options were as web elements which were embaded into a web table which was the part of the frame in which the SAP list object was there.
To solve this I used descriptive programming, in which I have used the childObjects method to get the child object and then selecting a particular option. The snippet for the code is as follows,
Hope this might help you to resolve the issue. This is working fine for me.
While automating the SRM shopping cart functionality I also faced similar kind of issue while identifying a product type from the drop down. In the recording QTP has identified the object as SAPList but it was failing while execution.
When I used the object spy the drop down was made up of a web edit and the drop down options were as web elements which were embaded into a web table which was the part of the frame in which the SAP list object was there.
To solve this I used descriptive programming, in which I have used the childObjects method to get the child object and then selecting a particular option. The snippet for the code is as follows,
' Creating a description object for web table identification
Dim objTable
Set objTable=Description.Create
set childObjectFrame=Browser("Shop - SAP NetWeaver Portal").Page("Shop - SAP NetWeaver Portal").Frame("Frame").ChildObjects(objTable)
'msgbox childObjectFrame.count
'Creating a description for material web element
Dim objMaterialElement
Set objMaterialElement=Description.Create
Hope this might help you to resolve the issue. This is working fine for me.