12-28-2010, 11:30 AM
Hi Saket,
thnks for your valuable reply.
I am not able to validate below script, as it is generic and not related to any particular application.
But still want to conform if below script/approach is correct or wrong.
To enter value in text box
To get entred text in a variable.
To click on Submit button
To click the rquired link.
Please let me know, if i am correct up to this.
Now the problem here is, I want to make above script run for any Text entered in first page.
In the innerhtml Instead of 'Katrina Kai's', I want to pass the variable value I captured during runtime in
Please correct me if my approach is correct.
thnks for your valuable reply.
I am not able to validate below script, as it is generic and not related to any particular application.
But still want to conform if below script/approach is correct or wrong.
To enter value in text box
Browser("name:=orkut - login").Page("name:=orkut - login").WebEdit("text:=Video to search").Set "Kaitrina Kaif"
To get entred text in a variable.
a= Browser("name:=orkut - login").Page("name:=orkut - login").WebEdit("text:=Video to search").Getroproperty("text")
Browser("name:=orkut - login").Page("name:=orkut - login").Webbutton("value:=Submit")
Quote:Code:Browser("name:=orkut - login").Page("name:=orkut - login").Weblink("html tag:=A","inner html:=UFC 125:Katrina Kai's video Interview").click
Please let me know, if i am correct up to this.
Now the problem here is, I want to make above script run for any Text entered in first page.
In the innerhtml Instead of 'Katrina Kai's', I want to pass the variable value I captured during runtime in
a= Browser("name:=orkut - login").Page("name:=orkut - login").WebEdit("text:=Video to search").Getroproperty("text")
Please correct me if my approach is correct.