04-18-2008, 01:23 AM
Hi Niranjan ,
Thanks for the reply.But I still have doubt on that. In code you have used the variable.It's also throwing the same error as i'm getting in my.
'here you are calling by using variable.
I'm getting error in your code too same as i'm getting in mine.
Thanks for the reply.But I still have doubt on that. In code you have used the variable.It's also throwing the same error as i'm getting in my.
FUNCTION GetRandomString(LEN) 'you have defined function here
Dim intI, StrS
Const StartChr ="a", Range = 26
StrS = ""
FOR intI = 0 TO LEN-1
StrS = StrS + Chr(asc(StartChr) + Rnd() * Range )
GetRandomString = StrS
Dim StrE, StrE1, StrE2, StrE3, StrE4, StrEmail
StrE = Call GetRandomString(10)
I'm getting error in your code too same as i'm getting in mine.