I am using QTP 10.0 + AddIn to simulate a java application.
To set a data into a javaedit field, I am using the following method.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not, and this with the same data and the same context.
How can I improve this code to be sure that the set will be done.
Thanks for your help.
I am using QTP 10.0 + AddIn to simulate a java application.
To set a data into a javaedit field, I am using the following method.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not, and this with the same data and the same context.
if (object.WaitProperty ("enabled", "1", 10000) and object.WaitProperty ("visible", "1", 10000)) then
object.click 0, 0
If (object.WaitProperty("focused",True, 10000) = false) then
object.click 0, 0
end if
object.WaitProperty "editable",True, 10000
object.set arrKeyIndex(1)
object.Type micReturn
Err.raise(err_field_not_available )
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Error # " & CStr(Err.Number), "Field not available"
end if
How can I improve this code to be sure that the set will be done.
Thanks for your help.