11-30-2010, 06:46 PM
Hi Shandru,
First thing, The iterations will be done based on rows not on columns...
we can do iterations based on columns also, but need more programming. for your case I developed small piece of code, check it once and revert me if you need additional info,
This type of questions will be get in Interviews not in real time. we've many work arounds to solve these situations.
First thing, The iterations will be done based on rows not on columns...
we can do iterations based on columns also, but need more programming. for your case I developed small piece of code, check it once and revert me if you need additional info,
This type of questions will be get in Interviews not in real time. we've many work arounds to solve these situations.
' Iterations based on Columns in Datatable
' First column will run once and second column runs thrice calling the Actions/Functions in it for every iteration.
Dim RC, CC, i, j, var
RC = Datatable.GetRowCount
CC = Datatable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).getparametercount
print "Row count of the Datatable is :"&RC
print "Column Count of the Datatable is :"&CC
Function One()
print "First Function is executed"
End Function
Function Two()
print "Second Function is Executed"
End Function
Function Three()
print "Third Function is Executed"
End Function
For i=1 to CC
For j=1 to RC
If (i=1) Then
print i&"st Column iteration"
print j&" Row cell value of "&i&" Column is :"& Datatable.Value(i,dtGlobalSheet)
End If
If (i=2) Then
For des = 1 to 3
For k=1 to RC
'print "The Function Name is :"&var
Execute Cstr(var) 'or 'Call Cstr(var)
Exit For
End If
if(i=2) Then
Exit For
End If