the reason you are not able to get any value is coz the frame is dynamic in nature. First you need to handle the frame properties in you repository. Then the code mentioned above will not capture the webelement you are trying to get, coz you are trying to get the outertext value from the entire frame. So your code should look like this:
If you need to use additional properties, use it to make your search more unique.
Hope this helps
the reason you are not able to get any value is coz the frame is dynamic in nature. First you need to handle the frame properties in you repository. Then the code mentioned above will not capture the webelement you are trying to get, coz you are trying to get the outertext value from the entire frame. So your code should look like this:
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
oDesc("html id").Value = "lblError"
oDesc("html tag").Value = "SPAN"
x = Browser("AutoDCR").Page("B u i l d i n g P l a").Frame("contents_3").Webelement(oDesc).GetROProperty("outertext")
MsgBox x
Set oDesc = nothing
If you need to use additional properties, use it to make your search more unique.
Hope this helps