Because the value Medical;#2 will change during run time, its not possible for us to know that value , the actual codewould be like :
Like this there are many other insurance types, depending upon the countries these insurances varies and it will be in different path, where path is nothing but Medical;#1
ClickLink Method syntax is:
object.ClickLink Path, Item
pls lemme know , if you need any further information.
Thanks in advance
Select Case strInsuranceName
Case "Blue Cross/Blue Shield"
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Enrollment").SAPGuiTree("TableTreeControl").ClickLink "Medical;#2",strInsuranceName
Case "Aetna"
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Enrollment").SAPGuiTree("TableTreeControl").ClickLink "Medical;#1",strInsuranceName
Like this there are many other insurance types, depending upon the countries these insurances varies and it will be in different path, where path is nothing but Medical;#1
ClickLink Method syntax is:
object.ClickLink Path, Item
pls lemme know , if you need any further information.
Thanks in advance