08-04-2010, 12:13 AM
HI Sanjith,
Description object is an object where you can specify or assign some properties to an object and use the same.
Example: If you want to get the Link child objects in a page then you can create a description object for the childobject and then search for that.
' Assigning a property and value for the object.
'You can specify number of properties and value for the descripton object.
Please let me know if you need any more info.
Description object is an object where you can specify or assign some properties to an object and use the same.
Example: If you want to get the Link child objects in a page then you can create a description object for the childobject and then search for that.
Set MyDescObj = Description.Create() 'Creating a description object
MyDescObj("Class").value = "Link"
'You can specify number of properties and value for the descripton object.
Set ChObjLinks = Browser().Page().ChildObjects(MyDescObj)
Please let me know if you need any more info.