Once again, I couldnt find a direct method, Here's a workaround though export datatable to excel sheet, open excel sheet and delete the required row. Import back the new datatable (or sheet or whatever).
Hope the below code helps!
Hope the below code helps!
datatable.ImportSheet "C:\Documents and Settings\jemuthyala\Desktop\F5ventures.xls","Chess","Chess"
' intcolumnCount = DataTable.GetSheet("Chess").getrowcount
' msgbox intcolumncount
' datatable.SetCurrentRow (2)
' Doc_Number= 2
' DataTable("Men_Singles",dtLocalSheet)= Doc_Number
datatable.exportSheet "C:\Documents and Settings\jemuthyala\Desktop\F5ventures.xls","Chess"
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\jemuthyala\Desktop\F5ventures.xls")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorksheets = objworkbook.sheets ("Chess")
objworksheets.rows (1).delete ' Insert logic to selcet rows that are to be deleted.
datatable.ImportSheet "C:\Documents and Settings\jemuthyala\Desktop\F5ventures.xls","Chess","Chess"