hi dear,
first of all clear the concept of virtual object.
virtual objects are the objects who looks like the normal objects but not recognized by the qtp.take a ex. open the ms paint and record the test for doing the signature by selecting the pencil and color then run the test and see the effect........that means pencil or color in a table is looking like bitmap not the button in table and also see the OR there is no object about button or table about pencil or color.
so that way we use the Virtual Object process to map the virtual object with the Standard class.
now use the tools>virtual objects>virtual object manager.. first delete the old VO
then add new...
Process to add the VO..for pencil
open the tools>virtual objects>virtual object manager>new click next>select Class as button>click mark object and mark properly the pencil image>click next>next> enter the data as u want then select the yes checkbox for next VO and make another 4 a color table end finish...
now see the OR,plz comment out the
'Window("Paint").WinObject("Tools").Click 19,93
'Window("Paint").WinObject("Colors").Click 74,29
and run the test.
ask me if u face any prob.
Happy testing
first of all clear the concept of virtual object.
virtual objects are the objects who looks like the normal objects but not recognized by the qtp.take a ex. open the ms paint and record the test for doing the signature by selecting the pencil and color then run the test and see the effect........that means pencil or color in a table is looking like bitmap not the button in table and also see the OR there is no object about button or table about pencil or color.
so that way we use the Virtual Object process to map the virtual object with the Standard class.
now use the tools>virtual objects>virtual object manager.. first delete the old VO
then add new...
Process to add the VO..for pencil
open the tools>virtual objects>virtual object manager>new click next>select Class as button>click mark object and mark properly the pencil image>click next>next> enter the data as u want then select the yes checkbox for next VO and make another 4 a color table end finish...
now see the OR,plz comment out the
'Window("Paint").WinObject("Tools").Click 19,93
'Window("Paint").WinObject("Colors").Click 74,29
and run the test.
ask me if u face any prob.
Happy testing