I think, I am net getting the issue.what exactly you are trying to do?
if you are executling a query like "update [sheet1$] set USER_NAME = '' where KEY = 'LOG2'")
then value of rs.Fields("USER_NAME").Value will be 'Null' which can not be populated using a message box.
if there is anything required fourther steps on Null value then you can go with the earlier statements only
if you are executling a query like "update [sheet1$] set USER_NAME = '' where KEY = 'LOG2'")
then value of rs.Fields("USER_NAME").Value will be 'Null' which can not be populated using a message box.
if there is anything required fourther steps on Null value then you can go with the earlier statements only
if rs.Fields("USER_NAME").Value <> Null then
msgbox rs.Fields("USER_NAME").Value
msgbox "Field has a Null Value" 'or whatever steps you would like to perform
end if