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Oracle Application recorded as Java Addin -QTP
Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi All,
I am working with the Oracle Application. Need to develop the oracle application scripts in QTP. while developing, after populating the parent window, the child window will populate. again i need to populate another child window of the last child window. The second child window is recognizing as JavaWindow and up to that its Oracle window. Have installed Oracle add-in on my machine. Anybody can help me on this pls.

Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
I need to work with Oracle applicationa and need to findout the total rows of an Oracle table.

Please provide the solution for the same.

Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Naveen,

Currently no Oracle API function, method or property provides the necessary information for QTP to display how many records a Oracle table contains.

Fyi, there is a manual graphic user interface (GUI) notification used to indicate how many rows are being displayed as well as other messages. This control is a status bar normally located on the lower side of the Oracle application window

The usual syntax of such goes as “Record: 1/6” where the “1” represents the current index being reviewed from the currently displayed table and the “6” represents the total of rows or records available on the currently focused table.

1. Use the "OracleStatusLine" object provided by the Oracle Application to review such information.
Msgbox OracleStatusLine("...").GetROProperty("message")

2. If "OracleStatusLine" object doesn’t show all the required information, access the status bar with the Oracle’s backup recognition mechanism which is Java recognition:

Msgbox JavaWindow("...").JavaStaticText("...").GetROProperty("content")
set a = JavaWindow("...").JavaStaticText("...").Object.getItems
Msgbox a.mic_arr_get(0).getText

Try it out & see Smile
Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks Sri..

I tried the first option whcih you have mentioned. But its not showing any value while spying and even running also.
Can u tel me about the second option, how to work it as a java object? And if work it as a java object, will it work when doing the reply.

While spy the object, I could see it shows like visible rows as 10. Other than that no other property or method its showing.

I heard that there are some functionalities like NextRow or Recordcount properties. Have seen this in the home page of this blog and subject as tips to take care while work with Oracle application. Please let me know about it more.

Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Naveen,

If you wan to try with the second option, then do follow the below steps.

By default the Object Spy only shows Oracle recognition against Oracle Test Object when the add-in is enabled, so either of the following can be done to get Java recognition instead of Oracle temporarily:
1.Re-launch QTP with only Java and Web Add-ins
2.Backup the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\JavaAgent\Oracle Add-in for QuickTest\Enabled, then set its value to zero (0) and restart QTP with Oracle and Web add-ins.
The backup is to return to previous settings/functionality when needed.

The status bar can sometimes show a syntax such as “Record: 1/?” where the question mark (“?”) is indicating Oracle hasn’t calculated or analyzed the table completely, therefore not determining how many rows or records are on the table. This requires forcing Oracle to analyze the displayed table and find the last record to change the question mark (?) for the real number representing the last record or row of it.

It’s possible to force Oracle to find that last record of the table via its own menu options:

1.Open the Oracle application menu called “View”
2.Navigate the menu until “Record” is found
3.Within the displayed sub-items of “Record”, select “Last”
4.Oracle will display a “Process” dialog window indicating “Retrieving next 100 records”.
5.If the amount of rows goes higher than the mentioned 100 records, then a “Decision” dialog window will appear and in order to get to last record, selecting “Continue to End”.

If QTP is used to automate these steps, then something similar to the following code could result:

OracleFormWindow("...").SelectMenu "View->Record->Last"
If OracleNotification("Decision").Exist Then
    OracleNotification("Decision").Choose "Continue to End"
End if
Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks for thereply.

the problem here is there I cannot install Java Add-in since I donot have licene for that.

If you have any other work around please pass to me.

Solved: 11 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Naveen,

Will Keep you posted if I found any other work around.Smile

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