Hello All,
I have started off qith QTP 9.1 recently.
My Question is as below:
I need to run Regression testcases using QTP9.1.I have recorded a script following the End to End flow.Now my question is how to genraically specify values as theye are multiple values that need to be passed for the same login for multiple test cases.Pls help me with the code..I was asked to use Data Table but how to implement data table i am not aware of..Pls suggest.
Code below :
Pls find the below code where i need to pass different values for Prcing Account Types :
I have started off qith QTP 9.1 recently.
My Question is as below:
I need to run Regression testcases using QTP9.1.I have recorded a script following the End to End flow.Now my question is how to genraically specify values as theye are multiple values that need to be passed for the same login for multiple test cases.Pls help me with the code..I was asked to use Data Table but how to implement data table i am not aware of..Pls suggest.
Code below :
Pls find the below code where i need to pass different values for Prcing Account Types :
Browser("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").Page("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").WebEdit("_SweUserName").Set "abcd"
Browser("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").Page("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").WebEdit("_SwePassword").SetSecure "4b02abb21d04b0e43aa386e107cc583c3477"
Browser("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").Page("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").WebEdit("_SwePassword").Submit
SiebApplication("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").SiebPageTabs("PageTabs").GotoScreen "Accounts Screen"
Browser("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2_2").Page("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").Frame("View Frame").SblButton("Go").Click
SiebApplication("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("All Accounts").SiebApplet("Account").SiebButton("Query").Click
SiebApplication("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("All Accounts").SiebApplet("Account").SiebPicklist("Pricing Account Types").Select "Academic"
SiebApplication("Siebel Media Systest 10.9.2").SiebScreen("Accounts").SiebView("All Accounts").SiebApplet("Account").SiebPicklist("Account Class").Select "Regular Account"