Good Evening

Hello Every one ,this is shiva krishna patel i am pretty new to Testing Course.As i got a problem when iam opening my QTP Softwate.When i

open a new File its giving me the following Errors:
Window Name: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Message:Program:C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTestProfessional\bin\QTPro.exe
-pure Virtual Function
Then if i press OK the next window is occuring.The Description of the next window is :
Window Name:ATPro.exe-Application Error
Message: The exception unknow software exception(0x40000015) occured in the application at location 0x094134be.
Click on Ok to Terminate the programme
i been trying since morning doing waste stupid researches like Re-Installing VC++ and QTP.But it dosent go through.I am really i kindly request some one to resolve my problem.I will be really appreciate.if any one take there precious time to resloving this issue
Thank U
Good Evening

Hello Every one ,this is shiva krishna patel i am pretty new to Testing Course.As i got a problem when iam opening my QTP Softwate.When i

open a new File its giving me the following Errors:
Window Name: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
rogram:C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTestProfessional\bin\QTPro.exe
-pure Virtual Function
Then if i press OK the next window is occuring.The Description of the next window is :
Window Name:QTPro.exe-Application Error
Message: The exception unknow software exception(0x40000015) occured in the application at location 0x094134be.
Click on Ok to Terminate the programme
i been trying since morning doing waste stupid researches like Re-Installing VC++ and QTP.But it dosent go through.I am really i kindly request some one to resolve my problem.I will be really appreciate.if any one take there precious time to resloving this issue
Thank U