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Microsoft VisualC++ Runtime error R6025-pure virtual Function call- on QTP startup
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago Rolleyes 
Hi All,
After installation of license key for QTP through "inst_key.exe" file.
I am unable to run my QTP exe file, its giving giving following error:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime error :
Runtime Error !

Programm: C:\Program Files\HP\Quick Test Professional\bin\QTPro.exe

-pure virtual Function call.

Please can any body tell me how can I resolve my this error.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
hi ritu,

when u r installing the QTP select the Microsoft Visual C++ environment.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Hi Bala,
Thanks for reply.

But the problem is we are not reinstalling the qtp, actually license period is for 30 days and after that we need to update only license information with another license key. Before that It was working fine

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
HI Ritu,

Do you have the license (lservrc) file with you? If you have that file please replace the old file located in the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager".

This will work only for seat license.

Let me know if you need any more info.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
i am having the same problem but it occurs when i try to open the scripts through qtp.. thing i i cant open any script bcz of this.....
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
i am also having the same problem but it occurs in the mid of script execution(getting the error in different iterations. Once got at 175th iteration, some time at 80th iteration, some time even at 60th iteration) and QTP crashes on getting this error. I am sure I have handled to release all the objects used in action script as well VB scripts. I am using shared OR and loaded it through associate repositories in resources in QTP, not in runtime.
i am not sure of the problem cause.
Please suggest me a solution.

Thanks in advance.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
I am receiving the error and I am on QTP 10. I was performing Object spy on our web app. I kept clicking the Object spy to identify different Web elements. Then the error popped up and shut QTP down.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Hi Vijai

are you using Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil object in order to fetch shared OR. If yes then we must ensure that these objects are released after its use.

you can do that by setting that object value to "nothing"
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
there is a patch available for QTP v10, if you are on QTP 10 then try this patch from

else -
if you are using a concurrent license then check LSHOST variable, it should point to the correct concurrent license server.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Good EveningSad
Hello Every one ,this is shiva krishna patel i am pretty new to Testing Course.As i got a problem when iam opening my QTP Softwate.When i Sadopen a new File its giving me the following Errors:
Window Name: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Message:Program:C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTestProfessional\bin\QTPro.exe
-pure Virtual Function

Then if i press OK the next window is occuring.The Description of the next window is :
Window Name:ATPro.exe-Application Error
Message: The exception unknow software exception(0x40000015) occured in the application at location 0x094134be.
Click on Ok to Terminate the programme

i been trying since morning doing waste stupid researches like Re-Installing VC++ and QTP.But it dosent go through.I am really i kindly request some one to resolve my problem.I will be really appreciate.if any one take there precious time to resloving this issue
Thank U
Good EveningSad
Hello Every one ,this is shiva krishna patel i am pretty new to Testing Course.As i got a problem when iam opening my QTP Softwate.When i Sadopen a new File its giving me the following Errors:
Window Name: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
MessageTonguerogram:C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTestProfessional\bin\QTPro.exe
-pure Virtual Function

Then if i press OK the next window is occuring.The Description of the next window is :
Window Name:QTPro.exe-Application Error
Message: The exception unknow software exception(0x40000015) occured in the application at location 0x094134be.
Click on Ok to Terminate the programme

i been trying since morning doing waste stupid researches like Re-Installing VC++ and QTP.But it dosent go through.I am really i kindly request some one to resolve my problem.I will be really appreciate.if any one take there precious time to resloving this issue
Thank U

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