I am tring to clclikc the "Login" button of http://licindia.com/.
I tried with the floowing code:
* Properties identified using Object spy
Using the Exist property, the browser and page was identified. But the button is not idetified.
Please suggest what chnage should be done to ideitfy the button?
I tried with the floowing code:
'Msgbox Browser("micclass:=browser", "Name:=LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India").Page("Title:=LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India").Image("Name:=Login","html tag:=IMG","Image type:=Image Link","visible:=True").Exist
* Properties identified using Object spy
Using the Exist property, the browser and page was identified. But the button is not idetified.
Please suggest what chnage should be done to ideitfy the button?