If I run my script in new browser then script fails, reason QTP is not understanding onBlur event.
But if I run the same script second time without closing previously opened browser it is working fine.
Ordering of fields are
1. Text box1
2. Drop down ( Drop down is auto populated on the blur event of Text box1)
3. Text box2
Code is like
I am not able to understand why same script works If I keep the previously opened browse, since code is to open the new browser everytime.
But if I run the same script second time without closing previously opened browser it is working fine.
Ordering of fields are
1. Text box1
2. Drop down ( Drop down is auto populated on the blur event of Text box1)
3. Text box2
Code is like
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe","","C:\Documents and Settings\admin","open"
Browser("Browser").Page("Welcome to PAYMENT").Frame("HtmlFrame").WebEdit("CARDNUMBER" ).Set DataTable("CARD_NUMBER", dtLocalSheet)
Browser("Browser").Page("Welcome to PAYMENT").Frame("HtmlFrame").WebEdit("CARDNUMBER").FireEvent("onblur")
I am not able to understand why same script works If I keep the previously opened browse, since code is to open the new browser everytime.