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Sorting alphabetically
Solved: 8 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
I have a web table which has a column 'Member Name' and I would like to sort the table data in Asc and Desc when I click the column name.
How can I sort the data by member name, It would be great if someone can give inputs here.

Solved: 8 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
Hi there are 2 ways you can do the sorting - before sorting store all the values into array and pass the array to either of the functions.
Function SortAnArrary(aArrary,strSortingOrder)
for iCounter = UBound(aArrary) - 1 To 0 Step -1
    for iInternalCounter= 0 to iCounter
      if aArrary(iInternalCounter)>aArrary(iInternalCounter+1) then
     end if
If lcase(strSortingOrder) = "ascending" Then
   for iOutPutCounter=0 to UBound(aArrary)
   sOutPut = sOutPut & "," & aArrary(iOutPutCounter)
ElseIf lcase(strSortingOrder) = "descending" Then
  for iOutPutCounter= UBound(aArrary)-1 to 0 Step-1
    sOutPut = sOutPut & "," & aArrary(iOutPutCounter)
End If
SortAnArrary = Mid(sOutPut,2,Len(sOutput))
End Function

Second Way
Function SortAnArray(aArray,strSortOrder)
Set ArrayList= CreateObject( "System.Collections.ArrayList" )
For i=0 to Ubound(aArray)-1
  ArrayList.Add aArray(i)

Rem Sorting array list
If lcase(strSortOrder) = "ascending" Then
  For i=0 to Ubound(aArray)-1
   sOutPut = sOutPut & "," & ArrayList.item(i)
ElseIf lcase(strSortOrder) = "descending" Then
   For i= Ubound(aArray)-1 to 0 step -1
   sOutPut = sOutPut& "," & ArrayList.item(i)
End If
SortAnArray = Mid(sOutPut,2,Len(sOutPut))
Set ArrayList= Nothing
End Function

Let me know if you need any more information on this.
Solved: 8 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
Hi There,
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have never used array either so how do we store the values in the array, wanted to know that too.


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