I have driver script that opens two qtp files: Test1 and Test2.
1. Test1:
2. Test2:
When I run the driver script, it opens Test1 and enter "first" in cell(12,8) during Test1 run but it does not enter "second" in cell(13,8) during Test2 run.
Both tests must enter data into the "QTP" sheet of the same excel file.
Please help.
I have driver script that opens two qtp files: Test1 and Test2.
1. Test1:
Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelApp.Visible = True
Dim FilePath
FilePath = "W:\T.xlsx"
Set ExcFile = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open (FilePath)
Set SheetOne = ExcFile.Worksheets("QTP")
ExcelApp.Cells(12, 8).Value = "first"
2. Test2:
ExcelApp.Cells(13, 8).Value = "second"
When I run the driver script, it opens Test1 and enter "first" in cell(12,8) during Test1 run but it does not enter "second" in cell(13,8) during Test2 run.
Both tests must enter data into the "QTP" sheet of the same excel file.
Please help.