My problem is, in my application i have a file download window.I have to get the "text" property from that file download window.
I wrote scripts for that and now the issue is it will recognize that window at times and for certain times it is not.
Can anyone help me in solving this issue...
The script is given below
Since it takes sometime to display the 'File download' window i gave it in a Do Loop.
My problem is, in my application i have a file download window.I have to get the "text" property from that file download window.
I wrote scripts for that and now the issue is it will recognize that window at times and for certain times it is not.
Can anyone help me in solving this issue...
The script is given below
var_exist=Browser("Browser.").Dialog("File Download_2").Exist
nme=Browser("Browser.").Dialog("File Download_2").WinObject("Name:").GetROProperty ("text")
Loop until var_exist="True"
Since it takes sometime to display the 'File download' window i gave it in a Do Loop.