Hi on line 4 I want the start button to wait for 10 senconds. Please help me how to write the wait property function for this purpose?
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").WebEdit("j_username").Set "cn=directory manager"
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").WebEdit("j_password").SetSecure "50d23f85a4c11bce185d27cad48ae435a2125887d201a972"
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").WebButton("Login").Click
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |_2").WebButton("Start").Click
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |_2").WebButton("Stop").Click
Browser("Radiant Logic, Inc. |").Page("Radiant Logic, Inc. |_2").Link("Logout").Click