10-03-2012, 07:37 PM
Question: how will we give values or Testing Data in below function code (in the place of X(0),X(1),X(2),X(3)...etc)
Code of the function is given below
Please get back to me ASAP
Ravikumar C
Code of the function is given below
function journey(byval x)
with Browser(home)
with .page(home)
with .frame(lfrm)
end with
with .frame(rfrm)
.weblist(dcity).select x(0)
.webedit(ddate).set x(1)
.weblist(acity).select x(2)
.webedit(rdate).set x(3)
.webedit(nop).set x(4)
.webcheckbox(rtrip).set x(5)
.webradiogroup(sp).select x(6)
.webradiogroup(st).select x(7)
End with
End with
End with
End Function
Ravikumar C