I am trying to do DP on a SET on WebEdit that is inside a WebTable.
This is what recording capture:
This is what I write using DP and it didn’t work:
Object Spy properties:
This is what recording capture:
Browser("Delta - Book a flight").Page("Delta - Book a flight").WebEdit("paxFFNumber[0]").Set “12345678”
This is what I write using DP and it didn’t work:
Browser(“name:=Delta - Book a flight”).Page("title:=Delta - Book a flight").WedEdit("html id:=paxFFNumber\[0\]", "name:=paxFFNumber\[0\]").Set "12345678"
Object Spy properties:
"Class Name:=WebEdit",
"default value:=",
"html id:=paxFFNumber\[0\]",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"max length:=20",
"outerhtml:=<INPUT onblur=""secureFlight\.retrieveSavedSFData\(get\('paxFFNumber\[0\]'\)\.value,get\('paxFFAirlineCode\[0\]'\)\.value,document\.getElementById\('paxLastName\[0\]'\)\.value,document\.getElementById\('paxFirstName\[0\]'\)\.value,null\);showSFPD\(0,get\('paxFFNumber\[0\]'\)\.value\);"" id=paxFFNumber\[0\] onfocus=secureFlight\.setPaxIndex\(0\); tabIndex=15 maxLength=20 name=paxFFNumber\[0\]>",
"width in characters:=20",
"Class Name:=WebTable",
"column names:=Prefix;First Name;Last Name;Suffix;Airline Program;Frequent Flyer Number;Total value of Certificates applied",
"html id:=pax_list",
"html tag:=TABLE",
"innerhtml:= *",
"Class Name:=Page",
"title:=Delta - Book a flight",
"Class Name:=Browser",
"application version:=internet explorer 8",
"name:=Delta - Book a flight",
"number of tabs:=1",
"title:=Delta - Book a flight",
"version:=internet explorer 8",