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How to pass values between different tests in QTP
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can we open one test from another in qtp?
i am vijaya,when i am doing qtp samples,passing output parameter value of one test to input parameter of another test sample, i am getting error(application busy).
can we open one test from another?can anyone help me?????
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Never Done it before, not too sure, BUT

How about an action at the end of the last test to call the second test

Let us know
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this thread Extract data from test and use it in another test may help you. always put a thread title relevent to your query, never use such words like hi, hello as thread title.
Please refer posting guidelines.

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I think nancy is right...this can be tried.
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I was able to get this accomplished by using excel.
1. I needed a random customer(s) that had a minimum FICO score for 3 different lines of business. Each business would return a different FICO in our test environment.

Outputs: During the QTP script, I would capture various information for use later.

1. FICO. I would update the 3 columns of the spreadsheet with a new value in case the FICO has changed since it was last pulled.
2. Application Number. This is submitting an application for a loan for these customers and I want to capture this number for downstream testing.

I then just run the next QTP script pointing to the Application numbers sheet I just captured and I am able to use outputs from one QTP script as input for another. And the data is available for viewing and review later.

Here is the code:
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.WorkBooks.Open("Z:\Path\Test.xlsx")
Set objDriverSheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets("FirstStep")
BusinessLine = DataTable("BUS", dtGlobalSheet)
NumberApplicants = DataTable("APPLICANTS", dtGlobalSheet)
Do Until FICO1 > 700
    upperbound = 1206    
    lowerbound = 2
    Row1 = Int(( upperbound - lowerbound + 1 ) * Rnd + lowerbound )
    If BusinessLine = "PCM" Then
        FICO1 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "B").Value
    ElseIf BusinessLine = "HE" Then
        FICO1 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "C").Value
    ElseIf BusinessLine = "WFAF" Then
        FICO1 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "D").Value
    End If
If NumberApplicants = 2 Then
    Do Until FICO2 > 700
        Row2 = Int(( upperbound - lowerbound + 1 ) * Rnd + lowerbound )
        If BusinessLine = "PCM" Then
            FICO2 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "B").Value
        ElseIf BusinessLine = "HE" Then
            FICO2 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "C").Value
        ElseIf BusinessLine = "WFAF" Then
            FICO2 = objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "D").Value
        End If
End If
DataTable("FICO1", dtGlobalSheet) = FICO1
DataTable("FICO2", dtGlobalSheet) = FICO2
DataTable("Row1", dtGlobalSheet) = Row1
DataTable("Row2", dtGlobalSheet) = Row2

'This is where the script would capture the FICOs and App number normally - it has been removed for testing
FICO1 = DataTable("NewFICO1", dtGlobalSheet)
FICO2 = DataTable("NewFICO2", dtGlobalSheet)
APPNUMBER = DataTable("NewAppNumber", dtGlobalSheet)

If BusinessLine = "PCM" Then
    objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "B").Value = FICO1
ElseIf BusinessLine = "HE" Then
    objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "C").Value = FICO1
ElseIf BusinessLine = "WFAF" Then
    objDriverSheet.Cells(Row1, "D").Value = FICO1
End If
If NumberApplicants = 2 Then
    If BusinessLine = "PCM" Then
        objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "B").Value = FICO2
    ElseIf BusinessLine = "HE" Then
        objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "C").Value = FICO2
    ElseIf BusinessLine = "WFAF" Then
        objDriverSheet.Cells(Row2, "D").Value = FICO2
    End If
End If
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.WorkBooks.Open("G:\Path\Test.xlsx")
Set objDriverSheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets("SecondStep")
Do Until APPSPACE = ""
    DataTable("APPSPACE", dtGlobalSheet) = objDriverSheet.Cells(APPROW, "A").Value
    APPSPACE = DataTable("APPSPACE", dtGlobalSheet)
objDriverSheet.Cells(APPROW, "A").Value = APPNUMBER
This may seem like a lot, but I tried a lot of other solutions and none would do what I wanted consistently and without error.
I was using a SharePoint site to house the excel doc, but that caused too many issues with checking the doc in, saving, etc..

Hope this helps.

Not Solved
Use action frame work to call another test from one test.
calling actions from another action.
To do this
Open ur test
1. In expert view, Right click in code area.
2. Then, Click Action->Insert call to Existing
3. 'Select Action' window appears.
4. Click 'Browse' button at the 'From test' section.
5. Select the test u want to insert.
6. click ok button.
RunAction "TestName", oneIteration
will be appeared in your code
Not Solved

can you please explain be about bussiness line and upper bound and lower bound, used in the above script..

is it checking for boundary value analysis

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