I have a problem selecting a value for a dropdown menu during playback. I'm getting the error: "Object is disabled". During playback, the dropdown menu responds to a Click with the code:
But, can't select a value with the code:
Listed below are the object's properties. Anyone know how to correct this problem? Thanks!
Browser( "Browser" ).Page( "Page" ).WebEdit("default value:=ABC").Click
Browser( "Browser" ).Page( "Page" ).WebEdit("default value:=ABC").Set "XYZ"
Class Name = WebEdit
abs_x = -358
abs_y = 577
class = rcbInput
default value = Full iLearnNYC Class
disabled = 0
height = 18
html id = ctl00_ctl00_cpMainBody_childCPMainBody_radCourseDeliveryType_Input
html tag = INPUT
innerhtml =
innertext =
kind = singleline
max length = 2147483647
name = ctl00$ctl00$cpMainBody$childCPMainBody$radCourseDeliveryType
outerhtml = <INPUT style="DISPLAY: block"
id=ctl00_ctl00_cpMainBody_childCPMainBody_radCourseDeliveryType_Input class=rcbInput
title="Please select term" value="Full iLearnNYC Class" readOnly type=text
autocomplete="off" jQuery152023392217578324192="3">
outertext =
readonly = 1
rows = 0
type = text
value = Full iLearnNYC Class
visible = TRUE
width = 143
width in characters = 20
x = 690
y = 233