Hi Ankur,
Is it possible to capture the bitmap image of our application and place the same in to the report sheet.
My application is a jave based application, in certain place i might get an expected negative result. In such case I need to capture the bitmap image and put the same in to the report sheet (report warning).
What I tried is
RV = JavaWindow("Project").CaptureBitmap("C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Error.bmp")
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "MLM has a compilation error, please see the error message in the location C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Warning.bmp.", RV
Here RV is a variable which is storing the bitmap image in the above location but it is not displaying the image in the report sheet.
It is displaying RV = Empty.
Please let me know your comments.
Is it possible to capture the bitmap image of our application and place the same in to the report sheet.
My application is a jave based application, in certain place i might get an expected negative result. In such case I need to capture the bitmap image and put the same in to the report sheet (report warning).
What I tried is
RV = JavaWindow("Project").CaptureBitmap("C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Error.bmp")
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "MLM has a compilation error, please see the error message in the location C:\Rajesh Training\Exported mlm\Compilation Warning.bmp.", RV
Here RV is a variable which is storing the bitmap image in the above location but it is not displaying the image in the report sheet.
It is displaying RV = Empty.
Please let me know your comments.